To participate and help to coordinate the different business departments with updating of compliances application in any of the departments, from a legal point of view, as well as in those matters related to governance compliances. Our firm external collaboration with the prestigious firm Compliance Europe, S.L., so that this one can perform guidance within all business scope and of social corporate responsibility, creation, management, and support and monitoring of programs of Compliance in any matter, included an Ethic Code according to any corporation, as well as in Compliance Programs in Crime Prevention, which could result in the creation and management of external ethical or complaint channels in any corporation.



Contact request

* Campos obligatorios

Protección de datos personales.

Responsable del tratamiento: Sánchez Bover & Abogados, 34788490R
Calle Calderón de La Barca, nº 14, 4ºE , Murcia

La finalidad del tratamiento de sus datos es dar respuesta a sus consultas y/o solicitudes de información, en base a su consentimiento, facilitado al aportar sus datos (artículo 6.1.a, RGPD)
Usted puede hacer valer los siguientes derechos sobre sus datos,

  • Derecho de información, acceso, de rectificación, de oposición, de supresión ("al olvido"), de limitación del
    tratamiento, de portabilidad, de no ser objeto de decisiones individuales automatizadas.
  • Recuerde que ejercitar sus derechos es gratuito. También puede usted presentar una reclamación ante la
    autoridad de control.

Puede usted acceder al aviso legal y a la información completa aqui

Drag the arrow into the white box to activate the button


Responsible for Treatment Antonio J. Sanchez Bover
  • C/ Calderon de La Barca, nº 14, 4ºE, 30001 Murcia.
  • 96 893 04 41
  • Provision of the requested service from the contact form
  • Subscription to our Newsletter
  • The data is kept for the duration of the business relationship
  • Profiles are not created
  • No automated decisions
  • Your data will not be disclosed to anyone.
There are no international data transfers.
Rights You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, limitation of treatment, opposition, portability and
You have the right to withdraw consent at any time.
Organization before which you can claim www.agpd.es
Origin The interested Contact Form.